Posted by Outdoors Ramsey on 6th Jul 2015
PokerStars Kayak Cup 2015 Success
This years Isle of Man PokerStars Kayak Fishing Competition in association with Heroes on the Water.
With an overcast but calm start to the day it was perfect conditions for these 30+ kayakers to take to the water. The Marquees were up, kettle was on and the bacon baps were handed out what more could you ask for to the opening of the PokerStars Kayak Cup. As the competition started the cloud cleared and sun came out it couldn't have been more perfect to set off, a couple of hours in and the weather did turn with the wind picking up across the bay making paddling more difficult but fortunately only came across within the last hour of the competition.
At 3pm all the kayakers were on the beach with their list of species caught throughout the day with only one question on their lips who is the winner of this years PokerStars Cup? While the kayakers pack away and the judges count the species it's only moments away until the draw for the winner of the kayak and the winner of the PokerStars Cup.
Everyone was gathered up to reveal the winners......
The winner of this years PokerStars Cup goes to........ Robbie Moore with 6 species of fish.
The winner of this years kayak goes to .......... Leonard Gerber
A huge congratulations and well done to everyone who participated.
The day came to an end with a pint and a BBQ, and with the sun beaming down it was the perfect finish to a perfect day.
A thank you to all those who took part in this years PokerStars Kayak Comp, and a big thank you to all those who helped out & supported throughout the day, once again it was a very successful day of kayaking & fishing.
Next Comp - 18/07/2015 - Ramsey RNLI Day @ Ramsey Promenade 10am
♯HeroesOnTheWater ♯ManningAnglingClub ♯PokerStars ♯KayakFishingIoM