Posted by Outdoors Ramsey on 18th Feb 2016
2016 PokerStars Kayak Fishing Comp
PokerStars Kayak Cup 2016 Entry Forms Here.
We want this year to be bigger and better! And yes there will be fantastic prizes up for grabs again, inluding the top prize of a fantastics fishing kayak.
On the 16th July, we are, again, going to hold the competition in Port Erin Bay. It has proved to be a fantastic venue for the event, starting with bacon butties in cafe next to the beach, and ending with a pint in the pub opposite the sea.
Inside the bay offers perfect shelter from most winds.
Only the worst conditions will prevent us from venturing out from the bay.
The bay consists of mainly clean ground with patches of kelp dotted about. The rocky cliffs offers excellent fishing for rough bottom loving species.
If you plan to venture out of the bay it offers deeper, more tidal waters, which offer a wide variety of species
Because the area has such a variety of species, this years completion will be a species hunt.
Simply photograph your catch and release.
10 species of fish should be easily caught, with Pollack, Coalfish, Codling, Whiting, Poor Cod, Pouting, Ling, Ballen and Cuckoo Wrasse, Red Gurnard, Tub Gurnard, Grey Gurnard, Dogfish, Dab, Plaice, Mackerel, Launce and Herring are all very realistic targets, Tope, Bull Huss , Haddock and Dragonnet are also possible.
Essentail Items to Bring: Less Essentail Items to Bring:
- Kayak 1. Food
- Paddle 2. Kayak Paddling Clothing
- Kayak Seat 3. Knife
- PFD - Buoyancy Aid 4. Paddle Leash
- Fully Charged Phone 5. Rod Leash
- Water Proof Phone Case 6. Tie Downs
- Fishing Rod & Tackle
- Water
Travel & Accommodation deals are available through Mannin Angling Club.
Contact Mannin Angling Club for more details.
Once again we will have a fantastic fishing kayak to be won, which anyone has a chance to win.
Everyone who takes part and fishes (minimum of 2hours) will be entered into the prize draw for the fishing kayak, which will be drawn at the end of the competition.
The PokerStars Kayak Fishing Cup will be up for grabs along with a cash prize for the most species caught on the day. there will also be consolation prizes for 2nd and 3rd.
"On behalf of Mannin Angling Club a massive thank you to Outdoors Ramsey & Moonfleet Angling, for sponsoring and supporting the event"
Mannin Angling Club
Isle of Man Kayak Comp Info
Areas to target certain species from Port Erin Bay.
Boundaries of the fishing area. And useful locations